Results Like Never Before!
It has been long known that no matter the original cause, lifestyle excesses, environmental toxicity, disease, etc., all body tissue breakdowns first begin at a cellular level. The ability to control the cellular regeneration within the damaged tissues is increasingly becoming an important focus for many researchers worldwide. Medix4Life scientists pioneered the field over 30 years ago, publishing the first article in 1976.
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Results Like Never Before!
It has been long known that no matter the original cause, lifestyle excesses, environmental toxicity, disease, etc., all body tissue breakdowns first begin at a cellular level. The ability to control the cellular regeneration within the damaged tissues is increasingly becoming an important focus for many researchers worldwide. Medix4Life scientists pioneered the field over 30 years ago, publishing the first article in 1976.
Medix4Life scientists have established that, in response to cellular damage, certain Regulatory Proteins are secreted by the cells of various body tissues, to activate the Adult Stem Cells, the body’s natural healing resource. However, it is a very slow process, even under the best of circumstances. If the cellular trauma is severe enough, this very mechanism of cell regeneration gets so weakened that it doesn’t work fast enough or work at all in a worst case scenario.
As a result of over 30 years of research, Medix 4 Life scientists have created a Regulatory Protein-based Nanoparticles for use as active ingredients in all of their products specifically formulated for Health Practitioners! These unique Nanoparticles help to re-establish and enhance communication signals between individual cells. They also activate the Adult Stem Cell process to facilitate tissue repair and restore normal cellular function within targeted tissues & organs.
Since regular exercise and proper nutrition are the key factors in restoring and maintaining health, Medix4Life products work best when integrated into a complete wellness program. Medix4Life products will enhance any treatment program for better and faster results results.
Possible Applications:
- Sports Injuries
- Chronic Diseases
- Depression and Insomnia
- Memory Loss and Attention Disorders
- Autism
- Degenerative Conditions
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Chronic Fatigue
- Arthritis
- Thyroid Disorders
- And Many More…
We carry the full line of Medix4Life products at Majestic Halos. Call us today for a Complimentary Consultation.
Benefits Of Stem Cell Re-Activation
- Speeds recovery from Injury and Surgery
- Minimizes scar formation
- Enhances cardiovascular performance
- Activates Immune Defense System
- Modulates an over active immune response
- Enhances Metabolism and Detoxification
- Normalizes Blood Sugar Metabolism
- Enhances Brain Function and Mental State
- Improves Neurological Conditions
- Aids in Weight Management and Fat Metabolism
- Supports Endocrine Hormone Balance
- Improves Digestion and Absorption
- Increases Energy Endurance and Resilience
- Improves Oxygen Supply to Organs
- Promotes Recovery of Overexerted Organs and Tissues
- Sharpens Concentration and Memory