Cupping can be a great addition to any of your massage services for only $30.
Dry Cupping
Cupping Definition: According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) cupping a method of creating a vacuum on the patients skin to dispel stagnation – stagnation blood and lymph, teherby improving qi flow – to treat respiratory diseases such as the common cold, pneumonia and bronchitis. Cupping also is used on back, neck, shoulder and other musculoskeletal conditions. It’s advocates sat it has other applications as well.
What does it do: cupping results in capillary expansion, excessive fluid accumulation in tissues, and the rupture of blood vessels.
What does it do, cupping results in capillary expansion, excessive fluid accumulation in tissues, and the rupture of blood vessels. Although bruising caused by this practice is common, minor, and temporary, continuation may cause burns of the skin. Individuals have been performing the action for over 3,000 years (in Chinese medicine) a therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating the flow of energy.
Treatments: Cupping is claimed to treat a broad range of medical conditions such as blood disorders (anemia, hemophilia), rheumatic diseases (arthritic joint and muscular conditions), fertility and gynecological disorders, and skin problems, eczema, acne.
Contraindications: Cupping is not advised over skin ulcers or to the abdominal or sacral regions of pregnant women.